Top 100 Most Recommended Retail Banks in Asia

Top 100 Most Recommended Retail Banks in Asia

Indonesia’s Bank Central Asia (BCA) has reaffirmed its dominance in this year’s BankQuality™ Survey by securing a BankQuality™ Score (BQS) of 101.72, a testament to its commitment to trusted and secure banking services.

The BankQuality™ Consumer Survey (BQS) and Rankings are based on the responses of 12,000 customers in 11 markets across Asia. The survey conducted last January 2024 is a digital consumer feedback channel developed by The Asian Banker. It surveys customers in each of the 11 markets in Asia to understand their engagement, experience, and satisfaction with their retail financial services institutions based on their experience with services, channels and products. The country scores that are based on a normal score from 0 to 1 are then translated into a regional z-score to standardise the country votes and rank them regionally. Institutions that received less than 100 responses were not included in the final ranking.