Capital One is known to permit substantial fraudulent activities to occur on your account, and if you fail to pay for it, your credit rating may suffer. Despite multiple instances of small fraudulent charges on my account over a period of three years, Capital One was unable to resolve the issue even after lengthy discussions. They promised to send me new cards with new credit card numbers, but the fraud persisted, forcing me to pay off my account, including the fraudulent charges, in order to close it for good. I strongly advise against using this lender under any circumstances.
Capital One is known to permit substantial fraudulent activities to occur on your account, and if you fail to pay for it, your credit rating may suffer. Despite multiple instances of small fraudulent charges on my account over a period of three years, Capital One was unable to resolve the issue even after lengthy discussions. They promised to send me new cards with new credit card numbers, but the fraud persisted, forcing me to pay off my account, including the fraudulent charges, in order to close it for good. I strongly advise against using this lender under any circumstances.
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